SIM AM Conference

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Data / Ora
Data - 11/09/2019-13/09/2019

Università degli Studi di Pavia

Categorie Nessuna categoria

The Second International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing (Sim-AM 2019), sponsored also by AITA, is organized in: plenary lectures, general sessions, invited sessions, round-tables. In particular:

  • Plenary lectures will be given by recognised experts in targeted research areas
  • General sessions cover the main topic of the conference, are managed by Conference chairs or members of the International Advisory Board as distinguished researchers in the field
  • Invited sessions are managed by single colleagues, who are willing to collect other colleagues on topics related to the conference. Invited sessions do not necessarily need to have title which coincide with the ones for General Sessions
  • Industrial Workshops will be driven by industries involved in the use of AM and will see the active presence of scientific experts

Main topics

  • CAD to part chain
  • Innovative application
  • Material modeling
  • Multi-physics and multi-scale simulation
  • Shape and topology optimization
  • Simulation for different AM technologies (fused deposition, laser based methods, …)
  • Validation and verification

Registration Fees

Further information

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